Thursday, July 4, 2013

Big Brother 2013: Wolfy Claims She Will Be In The Final Following Face To Face Nominations

Big Brother 2013: Wolfy Claims She Will Be In The Final Following Face To Face Nominations, In typical Gina fashion, she took to the diary room for a moan and a whine - this time it was about the whole house.

She declared that she hates everyone, doesn't want them around her and doesn't want to talk to any of them. She particularly had it in for Wolfy, claiming there was “more to life than moaning and cigarettes” and found it annoying that Wolfy was always cuddling up to Callum.

However life didn't improve for Gina, as herself, Dexter and Dan landed themselves in jail for discussing last week's nominations. During the conversation Dexter even said, “As long as you don't mention names then you won't go to jail.”

But Big Brother obviously deemed the coded conversation a crime and sent the trio straight to jail. Dexter, however, was unaffected by the punishment and continued to discuss nomination tactics in the jail, saying that 5 or 6 people needed to nominate Wolfy for her to be put up for eviction. This statement made sure that Dexter wasn't allowed to nominate and didn't go down well with Wolfy.

She told Dexter that he was a snake and laughed in his face. She was later seen in the garden telling him that she was his main competition and “everyone knows I'm going to make it to the final.”

And as if the house didn't need more tension, Big Brother announced face-to-face nominations - a process which always stirs any situation.

Up for nomination this week is Dexter (nominated by everyone but Gina), Wolfy (2 votes), Dan (2 votes) and Gina (4 votes).

Callum and Wolfy nominated Dan with Callum saying he had connected least with Dan, whilst Wolfy said Dan interrogated her too much. But it was Callum's comments that riled Dan the most. He questioned whether Callum had connected with Gina more than him and Callum said yes - Dan didn't believe him. The boys had several tense words before deciding to accept the situation. However once Callum had gone into the garden Dan continued to vent his feelings about Callum, saying he was too nice and it was all a bit fake.

Dan was seen in the diary room saying he was gutted about being up for eviction and that he didn't want to go. Wolfy was not too bothered as “what is done is done”, whilst Gina declared she was “heartbroken” and described Wolfy's nomination as being comparable to Judas. Dexter seemed a bit down about being up but understanding and prepared for the outcome.

There was one happy moment for the house in tonight's catch-up, as they all received family photos - all the housemates that is, except Gina, Dan and Dexter, who were in jail at the time.

Dexter declared he didn't care, as he didn't bring any family photos anyway. Gina was very upset at the punishment, saying she would rather spend more time in jail and get her photos. The rest of the house appreciated their delivery with tears being shed as photos of Dads, boyfriends, friends and dogs were passed around.
Title: Big Brother 2013: Wolfy Claims She Will Be In The Final Following Face To Face Nominations
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